Wednesday, July 29, 2009

#Well, that's rather hard. I always bite my nails when I'm nervous. They're rather chewed and fleshy. Arrgh. It's a habit.
#Oh come ON who cares about THAT? Sooner or later your hair's gonna get skrewed up again.
#ENHANCED??? You know, if you just bathe regularly like a normal person daily you wouldn't encounter a body odour. If you sweat, the sweat's eventually going to dry off. We are too young for disastrous stuff like make-up anyway.
#HEELS?? Do you know that your feet will get crooked in an odd angle if you wear heels for too long?? Sport shoes ARE THE BEST. NO ARGUMENT.
#I don't really care about these things either. In my opinion, it's the SHIRT that matters.(Though ironing helps) Whether if it's frilly and **** and pink or if it's nice and cartooned tells ALOT about the person. We children do many rough activities in a day.
#*GASP* *COUGH* hack hack

6:01 AM

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm finally going to get a DS!!!!! :D BY THIS WEEK! ds LITE! Without a single cent of my OWN savings, too ;) I'm in HEAVEN. Now I have another type of entertainment besides the com. (The com still rocks, but I'm getting starry-eyed if I use too long)

Oh crap it. I just realized that this post is too short.
I'm running OUT OF TIME

4:55 PM

Monday, July 13, 2009

It was pretty nice, I guess. Well, during the night it was, anyway. It was STIFFLING HOT in the day and the slides on the 'big eye' thing was SO lame. Those people are really not in touch with the intelligence us children have these days. Plus those guys seriously need to improve the quality of our funpacks. Considering the raining situation, it should AT LEAST be waterproof.
They've put all our handphones and cameras at risk here. Apart from this, the shows at night are alot more better. For starters, at least it isn't warm anymore. It looks like it was all gonna end well when they sent this surprise big bombshell of MAN-MADE RAIN and MADE US SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM with us totally SOAKED. It doesn't matter whether if anybody was wearing their poncho or not, coz practically the whole stadium was drenched from head to the INSIDES of our SOCKS. Oh, well. I also discovered that Mrs Tay's husband is a civil defence least I think.

4:11 AM