Sunday, May 31, 2009

Well, the June Holidays have finally started. But what is so injustice is that I STILL have a ton of work to do. Parents! It seems like there's so much work to do, it's basically a full-day school-day. *SIGH* Oh bother....well anyway here's a few pretty nice websites that you might consider going to.

3) (this is for the the music)

6:34 PM

Thursday, May 28, 2009

At History I'm Hopeless

At spelling I stink.
In music I'm useless.
From science I shrink.
At art I'm atrocious.
In sports I'm a klutz.
At reading I'm rotten.
And math makes me nuts.
At language I'm lousy.
Computers? I'm cursed.
In drama I'm dreadful.
My writing's the worst.
There's only one subject
I'm sure I would pass,
but they don't teach
video games in my class.
--Kenn Nesbitt

How to Torture Your Teacher

by Bruce Lansky

Only raise your hand when
you want to sharpen your pencil
or go to the bathroom.
Repeat every ten minutes.
Never raise your hand
when you want to answer a question;
instead, yell, "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!"
and then, when the teacher calls on you,
say, "I forgot what I was going to say."
Lean your chair back,
take off your shoes, and
put your feet up on your desk.
Act surprised when the teacher
puts all four legs of your chair back on the floor.
Drop the eraser end of your pencil
on your desk.
See how high it will bounce.
Drop your books on the floor.
See how loud a noise you can make.
Hum.Get all your friends to join in.
Hold your nose,
make a face, and say, "P.U.!"
Fan the air away from your face,
and point to the kid in front of you.
On the last day of school,
lead your classmates in chanting:
"No more pencils!
No more books!
No more teachers’
dirty looks!"
Then, on your way out
the door, tell the teacher,
"Bet you’re looking forward to
summer vacation this year.
But I’ll sure miss you.
You’re the best teacher
I’ve ever had."

2:46 AM

I am absolutely DYING to know my math results. I didn't come to school today (Thurs), remember? I did pretty badly for most subjects EXCEPT for maths, that's why I'm counting on it to save me.
My SA1 scores come in an interesting pattern. English is 10 marks lower then my Chinese, and my science is 10 marks lower then my math. (* Note I have already converted to upon 100) Respectively, my scores are: 78,88,89,99.

Congratulations, Sonia and Yan Yan, for getting 1st in class and 2nd in class! Oh...I REALLY need my report book.I'm gonna wet myself form nervousness.

2:27 AM

Friday, May 22, 2009

You Are a Cat You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from. No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.
First of all, I am NOT confident OR cool-tempered. My temper's worse than DM freak's when he's gone totally bonkers! (impressive ultra-beetroot red-in-the-face muahaha) Ask anybody! These website people must have had a brain removal.

5:16 AM

I went to some kind of personality test webpage and guess what is the result of 'What Donut Are You?'?!
You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut
You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions. (??!!?!?!?)

5:07 AM

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good bits & disastrous bits of the after-exam-period
1)Obviously, unlimited hours of computer and TV (SCREAMS)
2)The advantage of watching TV at night instead of studying until my eyes cross
3)Undisturbed, blissful sleep and diappearing of dark circles under eyes
4)The joy of meeting Xiu Hui once again after my english lesson in United Square
5)Unlocking of Twilight first thing after putrid idiotic chinese examination
6)2 whole B'day parties!!!
:( or >:X
1)Changing back to our regular seats, which involves me being surrounded by raving madmen
2)More concentration on @#$%^ piano (ARRGH *PULLS HAIR*)
3)The worst: endless worrying about the SA1 results (SHAkE SHAKE SHUDDER)

12:16 AM

Friday, May 1, 2009

I am NOT some goody idiot. I would now like to share with you people the essence of LIFE. (ugh ugh ugh)
1.Right. Say, we students are eggs. Imagine. We are being fried on a pan, sizzling hot. Burning is the process of STRESS.
2.The spices and sauces added to us are obviously the hundreds of piles of homework that one miserably sees on his/her desk everyday.
3.The gallons of oil steamed along with us, making us fatty food, are the major exams that gets in the way of com games, TV, holidays...etc etc.
4. And you know who the rotten chief/cook is, frying us poor things? Parents. Teachers. Principals.
5. The flames choking us is the SCHOOL.
6. Now we come to the most important part. What is the pan itself?? Undoubtedly, LIFE.

2:29 AM

I don't know. I've went to QUITE a bit of places in my eleven years, four months and twenty-three days of my life, and deciding ONE and ONE ONLY place is going to be a challenge. Maybe I should focus on this (undoubtly glorious) year first. Sofia's house?! The fish farm?! SCHOOOOL?!
Any place with friends available for chat, computers to muck about with, laksa noodles for lunch and air-con in its library is definitely what you call COMFORTABLE. I agree with its disadvantages of bawling teachers, of course. But I happen to the only child with no siblings whatsoever and having nobody to jabber, or even insult, is a little...... lacking. I know you'd probably be gasping the thought of SCHOOL being one's favourite spot, but think about it. Really. Believe it or not, I'm actually using school as an escape after one whole weekend of yelling parents. Btw, I'm not drunk.

1:58 AM