Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It was TOO SHORT!!!!! And anyway it passed by in a quick jiffy. Just a spash of computer games here and there...and it was ALL GONE.
Oh, and if Mrs Tay really chooses to offially forbid the presence of homwork and projects (which practically occupied about 9999.999 of my time), then I must say that the week which I had looked forward to for gazillion years had been AWFUL. But Thursday which me and jy went to Sofia's was defintely worth cheering about.:):)

2:37 AM

Friday, March 6, 2009

NO. The answer is NO NO NO. If some metally retarded parent REALLY adores useless things like jewelry more than their own CHILD, then I strongly advice that he/she should have their brain thoroughly washed. Gold and silver, no matter how flipping priceless they are, CANNOT and will NEVER replace a real live person.
You don't wake up and you lunch money suddenly hop out from your wallet, greeting you with friendly 'good morning's or 'what do you want to have for breakfast?'s. Jewelry aren't meant to tell jokes or make you laugh or play soccer with you or do all the other things that are needed in life. It has only one tiny little function: make you rich.
Alright, everyone wants to have a million dollars to buy fish correct?, but if you compare a friend or relative to a pile of coins, the difference is unmentionable. You can live with diamonds all your life, you can hug your $10000 dollar bills to sleep, but try and use it to compete against your favourite guppy or your dearest sister. HA.

9:44 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

*Sigh*....I can barely squeeze any time to do this. But I absolutely LIVE for daydreaming. I always spend my time on the school bus drifting off to another world...(which is EXCEEDINGLY hard when there's twenty maniac students yelling their heads off in my ear)

OK. I'd better start. You see, I appeared to be thinking about what it would be like if I were a Piranha. What I am not real proud of is that I got the idea from a peticular DM freak......But oh NEVER YOU PEOPLE MIND. Believe me, I would have swapped my LIFE for a Piranha even in heaven.
Those terrifically BEASTLY and satisfyingly TREACHEROUS creatures are just perfect, simply perfect. I mean, imagine having razor-sharp teeth handy for revenging on anybody you want, being so FEARED, and also RESPECTED. I would have a whale of time, racing in shoals and attacking adults (of course, I would definitely be a strict adultian eater) instead of struggling with homework, defeated by tests and growled in the ear...... But oh why, as the DM freak says.....why do we always have to go back to reality??? *sniff*


3:40 AM